Door Buzzer Systems for Apartment Buildings: 2024 Guide

By: Abby Quillen

More than 189,000 commercial and office buildings in the U.S. have been burglarized over the past five years, according to FBI data. Not surprisingly, managing access is a top priority for many companies, especially those that handle money and sensitive information.

Traditional access management systems—including mechanical locks, physical keys and badge systems—are inconvenient and can leave businesses vulnerable to intruders. Modern door buzzer systems offer a more secure, efficient and user-friendly solution across various commercial settings, including multifamily communities.

Thinking about investing in a door buzzer system? This comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know, including:

  • What is a door buzzer system?

  • Key components of a door buzzer system

  • Businesses that benefit from door buzzer systems

  • Types of door buzzer systems

  • Key features to look for in a door buzzer system

  • Why choose SmartRent’s door buzzer systems

What is a door buzzer system?

Ever wonder how modern buildings manage the flow of people? Enter the electric buzzer system. These nifty devices are the gatekeepers of access, allowing visitors in and out without anyone needing to manually open the door.

But that’s not all. Buzzer systems offer businesses many benefits. They improve security by keeping unauthorized visitors from entering. They boost convenience because occupants can manage visitors and deliveries from inside the building. And many systems keep meticulous records, helping companies track visitors.

Here’s how a door buzzer system works:

1. Visitor interaction

The visitor pushes a button on the exterior of the building, which sends an electric signal to the system inside.

2. Occupant notification

The system triggers a buzz, chime, or recording to notify the occupant that a visitor has arrived. Some systems allow two-way audio or video communication between the visitor and occupant.

3. Access control

The occupant presses a button that sends an electric signal to allow entry.

Key components of a door buzzer system

Each element of a door buzzer system plays a crucial role in boosting security and convenience. Let’s examine the key parts.

Exterior entry hardware

The outdoor hardware is the visitor’s first point of contact. In many systems, it’s called the base station or master station. A basic system may include these hardware elements outside the building.

  • Buzzer button: Triggers a notification inside the building, allowing an occupant to remotely unlock the door

  • Electric lock: Secures the door by engaging with the door frame

  • Electric door strike: Connects with the lock and allows the door to open remotely without anyone physically unlocking it

Interior hardware

The hardware inside the building is where occupants receive and respond to entry requests. In many systems, the interior locations are called substations. Some businesses, like offices, may have a single substation. Others, like multifamily communities, typically have substations in every unit. A basic system may include these elements inside the building.

  • Power supply: Operates the components by providing electrical power to the system

  • Control panel: Provides a hub to communicate with visitors and allow entry

  • Wiring: Connects the components, transmitting signals between the power supply, control panel, and electric door strike or lock (only for wired systems)

Optional components

These elements aren’t always part of door buzzer systems, but they enhance functionality when they are.

  • Access readers: Allow entry into the building with a PIN, keycard or fob

  • Intercom panels: Allow two-way communication between visitors and occupants

  • Cameras: Provide visual identification of the visitor

  • Motion sensors: Detect visitors approaching the building

  • Mobile apps: Enable remote control and monitoring of the door buzzer system

Businesses that benefit from door buzzer systems

These systems are ideal for businesses that need to control access while allowing some visitors to enter. Multifamily communities, such as apartment buildings, dormitories, and assisted living facilities, are prime examples. Three-quarters (75%) of renters in the 2024 National Multifamily Housing Council and Grace Hill Renter Preferences Survey said they wanted controlled property access. On-site teams also benefit from using door buzzers to let in delivery drivers, vendors and service providers.

Other businesses that benefit from door buzzer systems include office buildings, schools, manufacturing facilities, medical practices and more. In these situations, the buzzer system typically connects to a central point, such as a front desk, where one person manages entry.

Types of door buzzer systems

Choosing a system can be overwhelming, with many available options. To help with your decision, let’s explore some of the most common system types.

Wired door buzzer systems

These systems rely on physical cables to connect the buzzer, control panel, lock and power supply. In most settings, wires link the door buzzer to a central location, which connects to a panel in each unit. The most basic wired door buzzers include a simple button and chime. Two-wire systems send and receive audio. Three-wire and four-wire systems add extra features, such as video communication. Wired systems offer exceptional reliability and sound quality. However, a professional needs to install wires through the walls and ceilings, adding to installation costs.


  • Provide a high level of security and reliability

  • Offer excellent audio quality

  • Enable a consistent supply of power

  • Eliminate potential wireless interference


  • Require professional installation

  • Need regular maintenance

  • Limit easy relocation or upgrades

Wireless door buzzer systems

These battery-powered systems communicate using radio signals, a cellphone network, WiFi or Bluetooth. They usually include a wireless entry panel on the outside of the building for visitors to use and receivers on the inside for occupants to use. Wireless systems are simple to install and relocate, but it’s important to design your system to ensure excellent wireless connectivity in every location.


  • Easy to use

  • Enable easy relocation and upgrades

  • Require little maintenance

  • Offer a simple installation process


  • May be prone to wireless interference

  • Need regular battery changes

  • Require a reliable wireless connection

Intercom door buzzer systems

These systems allow two-way audio communication between visitors and occupants. They typically include an intercom panel at the entrance and a panel in each unit, each featuring a microphone and speaker. These systems improve security compared to simple buzzer systems and may be more affordable than video door buzzer systems.


  • Allow the occupant to hear the voices of visitors for identity verification

  • Provide convenience for the occupant


  • Lack video or mobile integration

  • May require regular maintenance

  • Offer a lower level of verification than video systems

Video door buzzer systems

These systems integrate video capabilities, allowing occupants to see and talk to visitors. They typically include a speaker, microphone, and video camera at the base station at the building’s entrance and the substations inside the building. Some video intercom systems allow two-way video, while others only allow the occupant to see the visitor.

Market analysts expect the demand for video intercom systems to grow at a compound annual growth rate of more than 13% between 2024 and 2032. That makes video systems one of the fastest-growing segments in the door buzzer market. It’s easy to understand why: They offer the highest level of security for building occupants. But, at the same time, they’re more expensive to install and maintain than other options.


  • Allow the occupant to see and hear the voices of visitors for verification

  • Offer a high level of security

  • Provide convenience for the occupant


  • Come with higher installation and maintenance costs than some other options

  • Require robust security features to protect privacy and safeguard data

Key features to look for in a door buzzer system

With all the different types of systems, how can you know which is right for your business? Consider these factors as you compare options.

Ease of installation and setup

Are you willing to pay for professional installation or would you rather install a system yourself. Most wired systems require professional installation to run wall and ceiling cables. Wireless systems don’t need wiring and are more DIY-friendly.

Compatibility with existing infrastructure

Your system must work with your door type, entryway configuration and electrical wiring. Also assess your building layout and number of units to ensure you can effectively wire the system or achieve adequate wireless coverage in all locations.

Power source options

Does a wired or wireless system suit your needs better? Wired systems provide constant power and a reliable connection—and you don’t have to worry about battery changes. But you’ll need to install electrical wiring and a power source, such as a transformer.

Battery-operated systems are easier to install, but you must replace or recharge batteries. If you’re considering a wireless system, check the expected battery life to ensure it meets your needs.

Communication features

Is a simple door buzzer adequate for your building, or would audio and video communication benefit your occupants? Remember, video offers the highest level of security through visual identification. But video systems can be more complicated and expensive to install.

Security features

Chances are, you’re investing in a door buzzer system to improve security, so you don’t want your system to leave your business open to physical or virtual threats. Look for these features to enhance security:

  • Access control integration: The system should work seamlessly with your access control system, including card readers or keypads, so you can manage entry to various areas within your building.

  • Security system integration: The system should also work seamlessly with your security system so you can coordinate your response to potential threats.

  • Data encryption: If your door buzzer system collects data, it needs to use encryption to safeguard it.

User interface and controls

Your door buzzer system must be simple enough for everyone—from visitors to delivery drivers to employees—to use. Look for a system with a user-friendly and intuitive interface for easy operation. If your base station control panel includes a directory of occupants, ensure it’s easy to navigate and read.

Durability and build quality

Your system may be exposed to extreme temperatures and all types of weather depending on where you live. Look for a sturdy system made from durable materials that can handle the elements and frequent use.

Integration with other systems

Your system should work seamlessly with your security, access control, and smart home systems. Ideally, occupants should be able to access all these systems from a single interface so they don’t need to manage multiple apps or software systems.

Cost and budget

You may need to balance the features you want with cost. But be sure to factor in long-term expenses. While a less expensive system may seem like the right choice in the short term, repairs or replacements can be costly in the long run.

Why choose Smart Rent's door buzzer systems

SmartRent is a leader in developing innovative property technologies and smart home solutions for the multifamily industry. Our solutions combine advanced technology, user-friendly features and high-quality manufacturing to streamline operations and give renters control over their living spaces. They integrate seamlessly with existing proptech and smart-home solutions.

Want to make a strong first impression on your visitors? Our high-tech, secure, easy-to-use Alloy intercom systems are a great option. Here’s how they stand apart from the competitors.

Cutting-edge technology

Alloy intercoms use the latest tech to give residents and visitors an exceptional and convenient user experience. They feature bright, responsive touchscreens and searchable directories, making it easy for visitors to find and call residents. Residents don’t need specialized hardware to respond because incoming calls come directly to their phones.

Crisp one-way video and two-way audio let residents verify visitors’ identities and communicate with them. Residents punch a few phone buttons to grant entry. The system is cloud-based, so residents can talk to their guests from anywhere in the world. At the same time, residents or visitors taking self-guided tours can enter a PIN on the intercom’s keypad to gain immediate access. The Alloy system integrates with access control, security and property management software.

Customizable solutions

Alloy intercoms are highly customizable, making them an excellent choice for properties ranging from single-family homes to multi-home apartment complexes. Here are a few of the flexible options:

  • Multiple access methods: They support keypads and mobile app access.

  • Versatile application: You can use the systems at any door or gate.

  • Customizable directories: You can create and update resident directories and include apartment numbers if desired.

  • Flexible communication options: Residents can choose whether to enable voice or video.

While these devices are ideal for multifamily, you can easily tailor them to suit the needs of other types of commercial businesses.

Enhanced security features

Security is a top priority for many communities, and Alloy intercom systems provide superior protection. Remote access control and real-time monitoring mean residents can manage entry from the safety of their homes. Video calling allows residents to verify visitors’ identities and helps deter trespassing and vandalism. Encrypted end-to-end communication keeps data out of the hands of hackers. Finally, residents can sign up to receive immediate notification when someone uses a guest code to access their home.

Ease of use and installation

The Alloy intercoms have an easy-to-use, intuitive interface. These systems are wireless, making installation simple. You can install your system without the help of a professional electrician, saving time and reducing costs. When integrated with SmartRent’s smart-home platform, residents can control access, lights, sensors, locks, thermostats and more with a single user-friendly app.

Customer support and service

Fast, reliable customer service is a must for property technology. With SmartRent, you can always count on exceptional customer service, including installation guidance, technical assistance and ongoing support.

Competitive pricing and value

SmartRent offers competitive prices without compromising quality. Alloy intercom devices range between $1,000 and $7,000, with installation costs depending on your setup. With SmartRent, you pay the same monthly service fee whether you have a video or audio-only intercom.


The right door buzzer system can help you improve security while offering a convenient, user-friendly experience for your guests and building occupants. When comparing options, consider factors like ease of installation, compatibility with your infrastructure, power source options, communication and security features, user interface, durability, system integration and your budget.

For many businesses, Alloy intercom systems are the best choice. With advanced technology, enhanced security options, user-friendly features and exceptional customer service, they offer an ideal solution for multifamily communities and other businesses. Want to learn more? Start by exploring SmartRent’s smart intercom solutions, and contact us for a personalized consultation.

Photo by Andreas on Freepik.