A Fresh Start With a Modern Touch: Quinn Residences Excels with SmartRent’s Smart Home Automation

By: Michelle Ramos

See how the SmartRent & Quinn Residences partnership improved operations, resident satisfaction, and protects assets in the new case study.See how the SmartRent & Quinn Residences partnership improved operations, resident satisfaction, and protects assets in the new case study.See how the SmartRent & Quinn Residences partnership improved operations, resident satisfaction, and protects assets in the new case study.See how the SmartRent & Quinn Residences partnership improved operations, resident satisfaction, and protects assets in the new case study.

Smart home technology has undoubtedly grown in popularity over the past few years amongst renters and operators alike. While the resident benefits are fairly straightforward, the benefits for operators may not always be as clear but are indeed game-changers.

As the Build-to-Rent (BTR) industry grows, owners and operators are beginning to adopt smart home technology as an essential tool for their growth strategy. One owner fully embracing this shift is industry leader, Quinn Residences.

Building a Foundation

Quinn Residences and SmartRent were introduced two years ago and a relationship quickly formed. While the pairing didn't initially lead to SmartRent-equipped homes, it eventually led us down that path.

Quinn initially launched its smart technology journey with another provider who just didn’t quite live up to their expectations. Thus, the BTR leader decided it was time to make a change in their game plan.

So what did Quinn do? They reached out to their friends at SmartRent to create modern homes that utilize smart home technology to increase resident satisfaction and streamline operations for property teams. To date, SmartRent has installed various smart home devices over eight months throughout 300 Build-to-Rent homes.

Making Changes

The SmartRent solutions have provided full transparency into Quinn's portion of their portfolio equipped with SmartRent devices. This has provided the Quinn team peace of mind when it comes to managing their assets.

"SmartRent has given us peace of mind, especially with our assets, and ensuring everything is working correctly. I think communication is the biggest thing with us. We like to know what's going on, and we can now truly say we know what's going on with our properties and each installation." – Vanette Lugo, Area Manager, Quinn Residences.

The relationships the SmartRent team has built with Quinn’s property teams has become an overall seamless and very transparent process.

Since switching to SmartRent, Quinn now feels more confident than ever before that their assets are protected and efficiently managed with us as their smart home technology provider.

While 300 homes are already fitted with SmartRent’s premium hardware and sophisticated software, there are hundreds more in the pipeline. SmartRent's IoT has transformed Quinn Residences' smart home experience, and what you've seen here is just the tip of the iceberg.

Want to know how the story ends? Download the case study to find out…

The SmartRent and Quinn Residence story is one that has evolved over time and is still just ramping up. From an initial pilot that left Quinn underwhelmed, to launching a full smart home strategy with SmartRent, a lot changed for the BTR leader in just two short years.

To see just how SmartRent completely changed Quinn Residence's smart home technology experience, operations, and increased resident satisfaction download the case study. We take a deep dive into the Quinn and SmartRent story, showcasing the relationship between the partnership, the improvements that have been made, and where we’re going.