A Look Back at 2021: SmartRent’s Year in Review

By: Marissa Cohen

SmartRent (NYSE: SMRT) statistics 2021, smart home automation statisticsSmartRent (NYSE: SMRT) statistics 2021, smart home automation statisticsSmartRent (NYSE: SMRT) statistics 2021, smart home automation statisticsSmartRent (NYSE: SMRT) statistics 2021, smart home automation statistics

Now that 2021 is in the rearview mirror, we’d like to take the opportunity to reflect on the exciting moments that the past year has brought SmartRent. From growing our teams, launching new partnerships, verticals and products and becoming a public company on the NYSE, it’s been nothing short of an incredible year.

Click here to read our full year in review guide, featuring major milestones and exclusive insights.

Expanding Multifamily Smart Technology Solutions and Integrations

Multifamily communities are thriving with SmartRent's expanded proptech product offerings and integrations.

This year we introduced improved hardware and rolled out new solutions to support multifamily communities with the launch of both Alloy Intercom and Alloy Parking .

Launching Smart Solutions for Student Housing

2021 was a big year for SmartRent’s student housing vertical as we introduced our student housing products to the market and successfully launched our first product deployment with a leading student housing provider in the western United States.

We are now scheduled to roll out our product offerings to this housing provider’s entire 4,000-unit student portfolio.

Making Single Family Homes That Much Smarter

Taking a look back at 2021, it’s safe to say it was filled with many victories for our single family team. Together, we’ve been able to bring on over 10 new clients to the single family portfolio.

Throughout 2021, our product team worked tirelessly to ensure our self-guided tours and smart home solutions provided SFR portfolio builders, owners and operators with exactly what they needed to succeed and thrive.

Growing Our International Presence

International expansion is part of our long term growth plan and in 2021, we advanced that plan by growing our team in the United Kingdom. We attended eight events across England, Ireland, and the Netherlands and had the honor of speaking at UKAA’s Build to Rent Fayre.

These events were an opportunity to show the UK and European markets what SmartRent is all about - bringing smart home technology that improves efficiency, reduces costs and increases revenue for every community.

We look forward to more successes in the Build to Rent, holiday park, student housing and social housing sectors.

Get Ready for an Exciting 2022

On numerous counts, SmartRent had a year to remember. Across all markets, SmartRent demonstrated incredible growth, and we certainly plan to continue this upward trajectory in 2022 and beyond.

We're looking forward to expanding our solutions, innovating our product lines and continuing to deliver seamless service in the new year. Stay tuned as we announce more exciting developments!

We thank you for contributing to our success in 2021 and we wish you a happy holiday season and best wishes for a prosperous new year!

Can’t get enough? There’s plenty more to share! Read the full end of year report for 2022 predictions and more about our 2021 growth.