During the holiday season, SmartRent employees and leadership raised a total of $15,673.45 for local charity Save the Family Foundation of Arizona, a 501(c)(3) organization offering housing and supportive services for families experiencing homelessness. This is the largest donation to date for SmartRent.
Through targeted services, Save the Family aims to improve family education and employment opportunities for homeless families; provide access to safe, permanent housing; and build family competencies.

During the four-week fundraising event, SmartRent employees were incentivized to donate with CEO, Lucas Haldeman, offering to triple the amount raised on the last day of giving. On that day alone, employees contributed $3,370, raising the day’s total to $10,110.

Initially, the goal was to raise money for individual $50 grocery cards to be given to families for year-round use, but after receiving so much support, it turned into a direct donation to the foundation so they can decide how to distribute these funds based on their needs.
The donation will be finalized this week, with members of the Save the Family coming to SmartRent’s Scottsdale office to receive the donation in person.