1. Single Family Rentals

    Connected Homes Bolster Operators’ Bottom Lines

  2. Single-family rentals are rising in popularity, and proptech is the key to streamline operations and maximize NOI.Single-family rentals are rising in popularity, and proptech is the key to streamline operations and maximize NOI.
    Single Family Rentals

    Diving Into Single-Family Rentals? Here’s What to Keep in Mind

  3. We've put together our top four, industry predictions for the single family rentals market in 2022. We've put together our top four, industry predictions for the single family rentals market in 2022.
    Single Family Rentals

    Predictions For Single Family Rentals

  4. Proptech is an invaluable tool for single family rentals to attract quality renters, improve operational efficiencies and more. Learn how you can include proptech into your tech stack. Proptech is an invaluable tool for single family rentals to attract quality renters, improve operational efficiencies and more. Learn how you can include proptech into your tech stack.
    Single Family Rentals

    The Value of Proptech for Single Family Rentals

  5. Self-guided tours are helping Single Family Rental owners increase their leads and shorten leasing cycles in the process.Self-guided tours are helping Single Family Rental owners increase their leads and shorten leasing cycles in the process.
    Single Family Rentals

    Increasing Leads For Single-Family Rentals: Self-Guided Tours

  6. Millennials are now moving away from apartments and renting single family homes instead. Millennials are now moving away from apartments and renting single family homes instead.
    Single Family Rentals

    Who’s Driving the Growth in Single Family Rentals & Build-to-Rent Communities?